The Daily Monday, December 9, 2024
The overall median entry wage of new immigrants continues to grow in 2022
From 2021 to 2022, the real median entry wage of newcomers increased by 6.7%. This increase can be partly attributed to a notable increase in the proportion of immigrants with pre-admission Canadian work experience, who typically have higher entry wages compared with those moving to Canada for the first time.
Canadian Housing Statistics Program, 2022
Today, the Canadian Housing Statistics Program is releasing new data on residential properties and property owners for the 2022 reference year in Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Yukon.
Innovation in the food processing industry, 2023
Data from the Survey on Innovation in the Food Processing Industry indicate that nearly three in five businesses (58.2%) in the food manufacturing subsector spent on average up to 5% of their total expenditures on innovation activities in the last three fiscal years (2021, 2022 and 2023). Such activities comprise four types: product, process, organizational and marketing innovation.
Small and medium-sized businesses in rural and small town Canada, 2022
In 2022, more than 320,000 small businesses operated in rural and small town (RST) areas, representing 14.6% of all small businesses in Canada. In contrast, nearly 1.9 million (85.4%) small businesses were active in functional urban areas. Additionally, over 9,500 (13.2%) medium-sized businesses operated in RST areas in 2022, while 63,215 (86.8%) were based in functional urban areas.
Trade by exporter and importer characteristics: Services, 2022
In 2022, firms operating in the professional services industry and the information services industry led the increase in exports of commercial services. Gains were concentrated in large firms (those with 500 or more employees) in Canada.
Data availability: Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, 2022
The Canadian data of the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies for 2022 are now available upon request. Complete data, Common Output Data Repository tables and a Daily release will be available on December 10.

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