The Daily Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Investment in building construction, September 2021
Investment in building construction declined 0.7% to $17.5 billion in September, continuing a downward trend that started in May. A decrease in the residential sector was partially offset by a small increase in the non-residential sector.
Consumer prices – the adjusted price index and monthly adjusted basket weights
The adjusted price index (June to September 2021) and the monthly adjusted consumer expenditure basket weights (May to September 2021) are available.
Entrepreneurship indicators of Canadian enterprises
The entrepreneurship indicators of Canadian enterprises for the 2019 reference period are now available upon request.
Commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing, 2020
Operating revenue in the commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing industry fell by 8.6% in 2020 to $11.6 billion.
Monthly update: Canadian Economic Dashboard and COVID-19
The Canadian Economic Dashboard and COVID-19 presents selected indicators to help monitor the impact of the pandemic on economic activity in Canada.
Weekly aircraft movements, October 23 to 29, 2021
Weekly data on aircraft itinerant movements are now available for October 23 to 29, 2021.

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