Three pieces of public art for Edmonton’s new arena unveiled – Global

by ahnationtalk on July 15, 2015684 Views

July 14, 2015

EDMONTON — Three works of art from Berlin, Saskatoon and Edmonton will be created for Rogers Place as part of the city’s Percent for Art policy.

The policy dedicates one per cent of construction costs to getting public art for city infrastructure.

“There still will be people unhappy that their tax dollars are being invested in art, but the conversation is changing to, ‘What art? Where? Who did it? What does it look like? Do I love it? Do I hate it?’ which is a far different conversation than, ‘That’s a waste of money,’” said Paul Moulton, executive director of the Edmonton Arts Council.

On Tuesday, the Edmonton Arts Council and the city unveiled concepts of the three final pieces that were chosen by committees through an international, national and local call for artists. There were more than 200 submissions.

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