Update, January‒March 2015: Nunivaat – Nunavik Statistics Program
Nunivaat was initiated by the Kativik Regional Government (KRG) in 2005 to
establish a permanent, public and independent statistics program on the
socioeconomic situation of Nunavik. Nunivaat is directed by Université Laval.
Study on the Cost of Living in Nunavik – The main survey to collect raw data for this study is now being implemented. During the first quarter of 2015, 64 households were surveyed in Kuujjuaq, Tasiujaq, Salluit and Kangiqsualujjuaq. By the end of April, an additional 25 households are expected to have been surveyed and, in May and June, surveying is planned in Puvirnituq and Umiujaq. Under the Agreement on the Financing of Measures to Reduce the Cost of Living in Nunavik signed in 2013, the Makivik Corporation, the KRG and the Québec government made a commitment to use the results of this study to define effective and long-term solutions to the region’s high cost of living. The results of the study are expected to be ready for release by the middle of 2016.
Economic Portrait of Nunavik – An updated economic portrait of Nunavik was presented to the Council of the Kativik Regional Government in February. The study reveals that, while the region’s gross domestic product has more than tripled in the past decade, Inuit residents are not benefiting the most from this increase. The portrait is a unique source of data on the main characteristics of Nunavik’s economy (such as domestic product, industrial and geographic distribution of activity, public expenditures and investments). It should prove very helpful for comparisons and policy making.
Nunavik in Numbers 2015 – This publication, to be released shortly in full and pocket editions, provides quick and easy access to statistical coverage regarding Nunavik. It contains the most up-to-date socio-economic data available on the region and its residents. The pocket edition will be available in French, English and Inuktitut.
Data and Publications – During the first quarter of 2015, new publications and data were added to the databank.
- “Economic Stratification and Living Conditions in the Canadian Arctic”. Duhaime, Édouard and Bernard, in Poppel, B. (editor), SLiCA: Arctic Living Conditions. Copenhagen, Nordic Council of Ministers, pp 169-196.
- Déboursés, aides et dépenses destinés aux Autochtones (disbursements, assistance and expenditures for Aboriginal people). Editions 2002‒2003 to 2012‒2013. Secrétariat aux affaires autochtones, Gouvernement du Québec.
- Total police interventions by category and village for the years 2007 through 2014. Data collected by the Kativik Regional Police Force.
Visits – Nunivaat is currently installing new software to permit better tracking of website traffic.

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