Walk to honour Kendara Ballantyne five years after death – CTV News
Aug. 6, 2024
The life of Kendara Ballantyne, an 18-year-old girl who was found dead in The Pas in 2019, is being honoured with a walk on Tuesday.
“She was so loving,” said Gloria Ballantyne-Packo, Kendara’s sister.
“She would light up a room that she would walk into. She was the main person that you could count on for fun and laughs at family events.”
Kendara was reported missing in The Pas on July 26, 2019. Nearly two weeks later, on Aug.6, her body was found behind the University College of the North.
Ballantyne-Packo said Aug. 6 has become an important day of healing for her family.
Read More: https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/walk-to-honour-kendara-ballantyne-five-years-after-death-1.6989951