We want to build trusting relationships’: First Nations youth attend police academy – Global

by ahnationtalk on July 9, 2015675 Views

July 8, 2015

EDMONTON — About three dozen First Nations teenagers are getting a first-hand look at what it takes to be a police officer.

After working alongside Edmonton police officers for two weeks, 37 youth aged 14 to 18 years, will earn high school credits. But, there’s hope they’ll take away something more from the program.

“We want to build trusting relationships between youth and police that will carry on in the future,” said Andrea Levey, an EPS Aboriginal Relations Coordinator. “These positive relationships will help youth feel more connected to their community, reduce the potential for criminal or gang behaviour, and inspire a new generation of leaders.”

“I think it’s really going to help our youth see police officers as human beings and vice versa,” added Christie Pace, from the Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society.

Read More: http://globalnews.ca/news/2099858/we-want-to-build-trusting-relationships-first-nations-youth-attend-police-academy/

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