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What We Heard report released on modernizing Yukon park and campground regulations

by ahnationtalk on March 10, 2023220 Views

The Government of Yukon has released the What We Heard report following extensive public and Indigenous engagement on the proposed modernized regulations for Yukon parks and campgrounds.

The proposed regulations under the Parks and Land Certainty Act cover 10 thematic areas, including managing noise, domestic animals, liquor, smoking (including cannabis), on-road and off-road vehicles, aircraft (including drones), zoning and other matters within territorial parks.

To help inform the proposed regulations, the Government of Yukon engaged with Yukoners, First Nations, Inuvialuit, transboundary Indigenous organizations, environmental non-governmental organizations, industry associations, tourism operators and renewable resource councils.

Last year 1,443 people responded to a public survey, which found there was strong support overall for all proposed regulations. The majority of respondents agreed with the changes and support ranged from 63 per cent to 79 per cent for each thematic area.

The new regulations are expected to take effect in the 2024 camping season.

The Yukon is home to some of Canada’s most beautiful parks and campgrounds. It is important that we continue to protect their natural, historical, and cultural values, and provide safe and enjoyable experiences for Yukon residents and visitors alike. We heard Yukoners loud and clear in their support for the proposed regulations and I look forward to seeing how they shape the Yukon’s parks and campgrounds for generations to come.

Minister of Environment Nils Clarke

Quick facts

  • The Government of Yukon released the Yukon Parks Strategy in September 2020. Modernizing regulations under the Parks and Land Certainty Act is one of the 10 priorities in the strategy.
  • There are more than 50 road-accessible campgrounds and day-use recreation sites and eight territorial parks in the Yukon.
  • The Yukon Bureau of Statistics hosted the online public survey from April 29 to July 4, 2022.


Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Jake Wilson
Communications, Environment


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