S Reports
Final Tsawwassen First Nation Land Use Plan
Click here to download the completed and approved Land Use Plan.
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Read MoreHomelessness: Clear Focus Needed
Auditor General’s Comments
Homelessness in British Columbia continues to dominate media and government attention. Hundreds of millions of dollars go towards homelessness-related issues every year. The cost of public services to a homeless person is significantly higher than to that same person being provided with appropriate housing and support services.
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Read MoreReport Highlights Ontario’s Housing Needs – Where’s Home? 2008
1 Preface
We go to press this year (March 2009) as the world economy continues to slide into one of the deepest recessions of the last 50 years. Here in Ontario it is, as yet, unclear how serious and prolonged this situation will be. Our dependence on the auto sector and on exports to the United States suggest that the next few years will be, to say the least, very challenging. This, of course, will especially apply to our constituency of low income tenants and co-op members. These families and individuals are more vulnerable to economic downturns, often relying on part time hours for their income. Further, they have a relative position in the economic hierarchy that has been steadily slipping relative to homeowners and those in higher income groups. In the 10 year period that we look at in this edition, for example, homeowners’ incomes rose at a rate 1.6 times the rate of tenant incomes. This is a very worrisome trend.
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Read MoreEntitlements and Health Services for First Nations and Métis Women in Manitoba and Saskatchewan
“There are legal differences in the health services First Nation, Métis and Inuit women receive – not all Aboriginal people in Canada receive the same health services. This fact is often not fully recognized or well understood.”
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Read MoreDe Beers releases its 2008 Operating and Financial Review
27th February, 2009
Introduction from the Chairman
De Beers experienced mixed fortunes in 2008. The first nine months of the year were marked by strong sales and sustained price growth during which time we formally opened two new mines in Canada and a third in South Africa. The final quarter of 2008 was shaped by the onset of the global economic crisis. As a result, De Beers overall financial performance in 2008 was largely in line with the 2007 results.
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Read MoreForging Linkages & Finding Solutions Conference Book Now Available
March 2, 2009:
The conference book of speaker and presenter transcripts as well as workshop summaries from the October 2008 Treaty Commission conference for First Nations is now available online. Copies are also being mailed to participants.
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Read More2008 NWT Diamonds – Report by NWT/Nunavut Chamber of Mines & The Mining Association of Canada
Executive Summary
The 2008 NWT Diamonds report is the third in the series published by the Mining Association of Canada in cooperation with the NWT and Nunavut Chamber of Mines. The purpose of this report is to provide a critical analysis of the effects of the diamond industry on the economic and social performance of the Northwest Territories. Consideration is given to the effects of all components of the industry, including diamond exploration, mine construction, diamond production, sorting and evaluation, and cutting and polishing.
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Read MoreToxic Ignorance and Right-to-know in Biomonitoring Results Communication: A Survey of Scientists and Study Participants
Rachel Morello-Frosch , Julia G Brody , Phil Brown , Rebecca G Altman , Ruthann A Rudel and Carla Perez
Environmental Health 2009, 8:6doi:10.1186/1476-069X-8-6
Published: 28 February 2009
Abstract (provisional)
Exposure assessment has shifted from pollutant monitoring in air, soil, and water toward personal exposure measurements and biomonitoring. This trend along with the paucity of health effect data for many of the pollutants studied raise ethical and scientific challenges for reporting results to study participants.
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Read MoreDiavik 2008 Dialogue Volume 11 Issue 4
Volume 11
4th quarter 2008
President’s welcome
As we look back on 2008, I would like to reflect on some of the significant achievements of the Diavik team. These included the following:
• Proud winners of the John T. Ryan safety award.
• Implemented a series of substantial safety improvement initiatives to ensure that our positive momentum is maintained.
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Read MoreGetting it Right: Using Population-Specific, Community-Based Research to Advance the Health and Well-being of First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Canada
Paulette C. Tremblay, Ph.D.Chief Executive Officer
4th Annual Aboriginal Health Forum
Calgary, Alberta
February 26, 2009
Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
•Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982recognizes three original peoples of Canada: First Nations, Inuit and Métis.
•Each population is distinct from the others and has a unique history. Within each group there is also considerable diversity.
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