Bring a blanket or lawn chair, grab a drum to borrow on site (bring your own if you have one!) and we will head up the East Side of Nose Hill Park for a Sharing Circle at 12 noon on Sunday, May 4, 2025. We will be sharing Medicine Wheel Teachings next to the Blackfoot Confederacy Medicine Wheel, with the opportunity to make a tobacco offering at the end of our Sharing Circle (tobacco provided). Please wear a hat and bring water to drink as this is a two-hour event. Please note that this walk is weather dependent. Children and well-behaved dogs are welcome; steep walk, and challenges for those with limited physical mobility and hearing limitations.
YOUR LEADER: Cheryle Chagnon-Greyeyes
Cheryle Chagnon-Greyeyes is a proud Nehiyaw Iskwao (Cree Woman), a member of Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, Saskatchewan, Treaty Six. Her ceremonially gifted Cree name translates to “Healing Woman Who Walks Far”, and she has resided in Calgary, Treaty 7, Alberta, since 1993. Cheryle provides service sharing Indigenous protocol, Territorial Acknowledgements, cultural teachings and stories, prayers and ceremony (upon request). Her company is CREE8R Consulting & Advising. She is a Canadian Air Force Veteran and former leader of the Green Party of Alberta. She is a member of the Storytellers of Canada and Storytelling Alberta as an Indigenous storyteller and performer. Cheryle is mother of two and “Kokum” (grandmother) to five beautiful grandchildren.
MEETING SPOT: Nose Hill Park View Point, 14 Street NW, Calgary T2K 5Y1
NOTES: steep slopes, uneven terrain, fun for kids.
For more information: