Addiction Mental Wellness Worker
Under the general supervision of the Health Director, and Assistant Health Director. The Addiction Mental Wellness Worker will provide support services and education that are culturally sensitive, help improve the mental health and wellbeing of SMFN Members. This position will be responsible to provide client services (individual, group, advocacy and case management) as well as prevention programming at the community level related to addictions and mental wellness. This will involve direct contact with clients involving assessment, peer counselling, referrals, case management, and aftercare. Other programing may include facilitation of support groups and working with all ages in prevention activities
Grade 12 or equivalent
NNADAP Certification would be an Asset (if not) you Must have Addictions Training and/or Addictions Counselling Certificate
Degree in Social Work, Human Services, Mental Health and Addictions fields (may also be considered)
Culture Sensitivity Training or Relevant experience working in a First Nations community
Must have Valid NB Driver’s License & use of own vehicle for work-related purposes
Must be Alcohol, Drug and Addictions Free (Minimum of 3 years)
Priority will be given to Indigenous Applicants
Demonstrated ability – both written and oral – to communicate effectively with First Nations clients, families, communities and service providers
Effective group facilitation skills
- Must have client centered approach
- Computer Skills (MS Office & Electronic Medical Records Systems would be an asset)
- Role Model in sobriety and model good self-care
- Able to work with minimal supervision
- Must have excellent understanding of current drugs and effects on clients
Ability to work as part of a multi-disciplined team, including professional commitment, flexibility with hours and good dispute resolution skills
Please submit current resume and cover letter by April 4th, 2025 at 4:30 pm to:
Cassie Carr
Human Resource Generalist
150 Cliffe Street (2nd Floor)
Fredericton, N.B. E3A 0A1
or Fax to (506) 472-6220 or email

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