Volunteer Board Member
Location: Monthly Board meetings occur in Burlington, ON
Vacancies: Seeking 4 to 5 new Board Members
Start Date: June 2025
Posting Date: March 10, 2025
Posting Deadline: Candidates should express their interest by midnight on April 10, 2025 to boardsecretary@haltoncas.ca
Are you interested in volunteering to make a meaningful contribution to the lives of children, youth and families in the Halton Region?
The Halton Children’s Aid Society is seeking a broad range of skilled leaders to join our Board of Directors.
About Us
The Halton Children’s Aid Society (Halton CAS) is a child and youth centered community-integrated organization that is one of 50 designated Children’s Aid Societies and Indigenous Child and Family Well-Being Agencies in Ontario. Halton CAS’s core operations are funded by the Province of Ontario; this funding is supported by the generous donations of the Children’s Aid Foundation of Halton. We are regulated by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS), and operate under the legislative mandate of the Ontario Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA), 2017.
It is our role and commitment to respond and work together with families in the Halton Region and our community partners to protect and care for children who have been or are at risk of harm. Halton CAS is dedicated to empowering children, youth and families by providing early intervention, strengthening family bonds, providing service that recognizes unique and diverse needs, and fostering community partnerships.
We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who are elected from within the community and by the membership at large. The Halton CAS strives to ensure that the Board of Directors reflects the opinions, expertise and diversity of the community that it serves.
Join our Board
The Halton Children’s Aid Society (Halton CAS) has adopted a policy model of governance that is based on establishing guiding principles and policies, delegation of responsibility and authority to the Executive Director for enacting the policies, monitoring compliance and ensuring accountability for performance.
The policy governance process is an approach to the job of governing that emphasizes values, vision, and empowerment of the Board, Board Committees and the Executive Director. In its effort to carry out these functions, the Board of Directors is required to fulfill its fiduciary duty and act in the best interests of the Halton CAS.
The Board of Directors shall govern within a strategic framework that includes inclusive participation and deliberation, transparency, pro-activity, consensus building, equity, decisiveness, accountability and strategic leadership.
Board Members are expected to:
- Be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the region of Halton or carry on business in the region of Halton
- Provide governance of Halton CAS according to the Letters Patent and the By-Laws
- Formulate strategy, goals and policies of Halton CAS
- Review and approve the annual Operating Plan, Budget and Audited Statements
- Provide risk management oversight and ensure appropriate insurance coverage
- Act as an ambassador between the Halton CAS, community-at-large, government, and Boards of other community organizations
- Be eligible for a Broad Record Check (police check) and at the time of their election, and throughout their term of office, not be convicted of a criminal offence which, in the sole discretion of the Board, would render that individual unfit or inappropriate to act as a Director of the corporation;
- Not be a person whose interest is adverse to the interest of the Society as prescribed in the policy on conflict of interest and code of conduct as determined by the Board; and
- Not be an employee of the Society or a member of the immediate family of an employee.
Time Commitment
- Prepare for, attend and participate in monthly Board meetings on Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm (9 per year; 3 hours), at the Halton CAS main office located in Burlington, Ontario with occasional ability to attend meetings virtually.
- Membership and participation on at least one Board Committee, meeting an average of 5-6 times per year.
Candidates should express their interest by midnight on April 10, 2025 to boardsecretary@haltoncas.ca

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