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Experience the benefits of co-development through the Perspective Bootcamp – FNQLEDC

by ahnationtalk on December 16, 202492 Views

December 16, 2024

On Thursday, November 21, the Hôtel-Musée des Premières Nations de Wendake welcomed a dozen Indigenous entrepreneurs from various sectors as part of the Perspectives Bootcamp, which was organized by the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Economic Development Commission (FNQLEDC) in collaboration with Espace-inc.

This event allowed participants to benefit from an extraordinary experience as part of a day filled with discussions, strategic reflections and practical workshops.

A fruitful collaboration for Indigenous entrepreneurship

To organize this event, the FNQLEDC partnered with Espace-inc, a business accelerator recognized for its innovative approach.

Their mission? To support entrepreneurs in building innovative and sustainable businesses. Created by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs, Espace-inc emphasizes placing entrepreneurs at the heart of its strategic decisions.

Together, we gave about ten Indigenous entrepreneurs the opportunity to revisit their service offerings, explore issues they are experiencing within their respective businesses, and collaborate in the search for concrete solutions through co-development workshops.

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