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First Nations Are Rethinking Education in the Yukon. And It’s Working – The Walrus

by ahnationtalk on February 7, 202557 Views

Feb. 7, 2025

At the heart of the approach are year-round classes—with breaks for hunting and fishing

In Old Crow, teenage students at Chief Zzeh Gittlit School, with land guardians and Elders, climbed onto snowmobiles and travelled 500 kilometres along a traditional route called Dagoo T’aii. On the journey, they harvested caribou and shared stories. In Whitehorse, a two-hour flight south, preteen students at Takhini Elementary created hunting bags, cutting and stitching canvas and deer leather with the guidance of First Nations knowledge keepers.

These two Yukon public schools—along with nine others—are members of the territory’s First Nation School Board. Formed in 2022, the board shares authority with the Yukon government. It follows British Columbia curriculum, as all Yukon schools do, but the programming, assessment methodology, and delivery are informed by First Nations world views. While some of the schools are in First Nations communities, First Nations identity is not a requirement for students or teachers.

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