Kahehtoktha, Janice Brant, OCT, M.Ad.Ed., B.Ed., BAH Indigenous Studies

by pmnationtalk on May 9, 20216029 Views

Janice sits with the Bear Clan in the Mohawk Nation and is from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. She was raised in a farming family and is a traditional seed keeper and gardener. She loves storytelling, art, history, and cooking. Janice is an established professional artist and teacher. She has published academic and creative writings.

Janice is also a volunteer and co-chair of Ratinenhayen:thos “they are farmers of seed.” Ratinenhayen:thos is a local non-profit organization founded by members of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte and is host to a living seed collection of 300 Indigenous and Heirloom seed varieties of vegetables, herbs and flowers. Kenhte:ke Seed Sanctuary & Learning Centre (KSSLC) was established in 2018 in the heart of the community and created a sacred space dedicated to the art and education of seed saving.

KSSLC is the first Indigenous Seed Sanctuary in Canada that we know about with this innovative action towards seed conservation (protection and preservation) and sharing seed saving education for future generations of seed custodians, gardeners and farmers.

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