Measles cases confirmed in Edmonton region, triggering public health warning – CBC

by alnationtalk on March 18, 202543 Views

Potential exposures at Stollery Children’s Hospital and northeast Edmonton family clinic

Mar 17, 2025

Confirmed measles cases in the Edmonton region have public health officials issuing a warning about the potential risk of exposure.

In a public health advisory issued late Sunday, Alberta Health Services said cases have been confirmed in the Edmonton region, including instances when the highly contagious disease could have spread to others at local medical facilities.

Alberta health officials updated their advisory late Monday to include a total of three possible exposure locations in the Edmonton region, including a hospital, medical clinic and a pharmacy.

The advisory said people who were at the Stollery Children’s Hospital’s emergency department between March 14 at 10 p.m. and March 15 at 12:30 a.m. may have been exposed.

Anyone who was at the Belle Rive Medicentres Family Health Care Clinic in northeast Edmonton on March 12 between 2:15 p.m. and about 5:15 p.m. is also at risk of exposure, Alberta Health Services cautioned.

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