Métis Nation–Saskatchewan Supports federal Indigenous Justice Strategy

by ahnationtalk on March 17, 202524 Views

March 17, 2025 – Treaty 6 Territory and Heartland of the Métis, Saskatoon, SK – Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN–S) is happy to announce its support for the finalized federal Indigenous Justice Strategy (IJS). Having worked with Justice Canada through a process of consultation and cooperation to develop an overall strategy with a Métis-specific chapter that includes actions to address the systemic overrepresentation of all Indigenous Peoples in the Canadian justice system, MN– S appreciates the partnership Canada has demonstrated with our government throughout.

“MN–S supports the outcomes of the work done in part with Justice Canada on the Indigenous Justice Strategy. Collaborating, government-to-government, with Justice Canada, the IJS represents a step in the right direction in supporting Métis caught in the cycle of systemic racism that exists within a colonial justice system,” said MN–S Vice President and Minister of Justice, Michelle LeClair.

MN–S has consistently advocated for the recognition and advancement of Métis self-governance and justice systems. In June 2024, MN–S introduced “Kwayaskastasowin,” a proposal for a Métis judiciary developed by and for Métis people. This initiative underscores our commitment to establishing justice mechanisms tailored to Métis cultural values and legal traditions. MN–S is happy to see its priority of advancing Métis governance over the administration of justice incorporated throughout the IJS.

The Government of Canada has also shown a commitment to addressing the distinct, unique needs of Métis peoples within its broader IJS. This strategy emphasizes support for justice-related programs and services that are designed, developed, and delivered by Métis communities, with an aim to end systemic discrimination and overrepresentation of Métis individuals in the justice system.

MN–S President Glen McCallum said, “When we think outside the box and dial in on a distinctions focused approach through our Métis identity, culture, values, and language, we know who we are as Métis people and it keeps us grounded.This connection is what can keep our people on a healthy path and avoid further interactions with the justice system.”

MN–S will continue to participate in discussions about Métis rights and self-determination to ensure that any national strategy aligns with Métis Nation– Saskatchewan’s aspirations for self-governance and culturally relevant justice systems.

With the development of the strategy now complete, MN–S looks forward to its continued work with Canada on the implementation of the strategy through our nation-to-nation relationship. As the representative of Métis Section 35, The Constitution Act, 1982, rights-holders in Saskatchewan, it is imperative that Canada move quickly to work with MN–S on identifying best practices in funding and implementation within the province.


About Métis Nation–Saskatchewan:

Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN–S) is built on a foundation of Métis identity, culture, values and language. Empowered by the Métis citizens of Saskatchewan, MN–S works to advance Métis rights and strengthen capacity. MN–S represents the political, socioeconomic, cultural and educational interests of Métis in the province through an elected representative system at local, regional and provincial levels. Social Media Links: @MNSask, @metisnationsask

For media inquiries:

Rena Montgomerie – MN–S Senior Communications Officer r.montgomerie@mns.ca or 306-250-1092
All MN–S programs and services – 1-877-MétisSK


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