Notice of Akwesasne Membership Board By-Election
February 24, 2025
The Akwesasne Membership Board has requested a By-Election to be held in the districts of Kana:takon and Tsi Snaihne. The following seats are available:
District of Kana:takon: One (1) seat for a 4-year term (time remaining)
District of Tsi Snaihne: One (1) seat for a 2-year term (time remaining)
Nominations for the Akwesasne Membership Board By-election will be held on Saturday, March 8, 2025 at the following locations:
• District of Kana:takon: Kana:takon School (28 Second Street, Kana:takon) from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (noon).
• District of Tsi Snaihne: Iohahi:io Akwesasne Education & Training Institute (16 Iohahi:io Road, Tsi Snaihne) from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (noon).
Please note: No person may nominate or second more candidates than they are entitled to vote for.
If needed, a By-Election will be held on Saturday, April 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Kana:takon School and the Iohahi:io Akwesasne Education & Training Institute.
If needed, Advance Polls will be held from April 1–2, 2025, by appointment only at the Angus Mitchell Memorial Building (former Akwesasne Justice Department office) in Kana:takon. Appointments will be available between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
If the number of eligible candidates does not exceed the number of available positions, the CEO (subject to any appeal) shall declare the candidate elected. If there is more than one nominee per district, an official by-election will take place.
To be eligible as a candidate for the Akwesasne Membership Board, a person must satisfy all the following criteria:
- Must be at least 25 years of age on the nomination date; and
- Must be a member; and
- Must be Onkwehonwe and at least one (1) of their natural parents must be a Member of Akwesasne; and
- Must reside in the Territory of Akwesasne for at least ten (10) consecutive years, prior to their nomination; and
- The candidate for Board Members from a District must reside in that District for at least one (1) year immediately prior to their nomination; and
- Must not have been dismissed from the Membership Board in the last four (4) years prior to their nomination; and
- Must consent and provide a criminal record information at least fifteen (15) days prior to the election; and
- Must not have been convicted of an indictable offence in Canada or a felony in the United States within ten (10) years prior to their nomination.
If nominated, the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) shall:
- Require each candidate to establish his/her eligibility by completing and executing a sworn statement, described by the CEO.
- Require each candidate to consent and provide a criminal record information (CPIC); and
- erify the statements and information received to qualify the candidates pursuant to section 6 (Eligibility of Candidates) of the Akwesasne Membership Board Regulations for Election and By-Election.
Any candidate may withdraw at any time, no later than three (3) days before the date set for the Advance Poll. Any candidate withdrawing his/her nomination must do so by filing a Notice of Withdrawal with the CEO within the time specified.
Voters Lists are available for viewing at the following locations:
• Canada Post Office (Kana:takon)
• Village Currency Exchange
• Iohahi:io Akwesasne Education & Training Institute
• Snye Life Convenience
Please review the Voters List to ensure your name is listed. Community members are advised to contact the CEO as soon as possible if your name is missing.
If you have any questions or require clarification, please reach out to Chief Electoral Officer Cheryl Jacobs at:
613-575-2250 ext. 2126

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