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Ontario Regional Chief issues statement on provincial election results

by ahnationtalk on February 28, 20251 Views

(Toronto, Ont.–Feb. 28, 2025) Ontario Regional Chief Abram Benedict has issued the following statement following Ontario’s 2025 election:

“Yesterday, Ontarians cast their ballots and elected Doug Ford as premier for the third time. I congratulate Premier Ford on his win and look forward to our continued work together.

Now is a time for us to come together. First Nations have a common interest in protecting our communities and homelands against the economic uncertainty and threats that a potential trade war could bring.

There are several paths ahead. The Chiefs of Ontario and my office prefer to walk the path where we work together, in true collaboration and partnership, to build each other and our communities up.

First Nations are partners in prosperity. Our lands and Nations are immense and beautiful. They’ve already driven Canada’s economic prosperity since its founding as a country. That’s not going to change. We must move into the coming years in collaboration and in the spirit of true reconciliation.

This election also saw several First Nations candidates running for provincial Parliament. This is a testament to our people and Nations. We are strong and the number of First Nations people running for public office will only increase. Congratulations to all First Nations candidates, whether you won or lost—you serve as an inspiration for all those who will follow in your stead.

I also wish to express my deepest congratulations to MPP Sol Mamakwa on his re-election. Sol has been our fiercest ally in the Ontario legislature, and we look forward to continuing our work together in a good way.”


The Chiefs of Ontario support all First Nations in Ontario as they assert their sovereignty, jurisdiction and their chosen expression of nationhood. Follow Chiefs of Ontario on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @ChiefsOfOntario.

Media Contact:

Isak Vaillancourt
Communications Manager
Chiefs of Ontario
Mobile: 416-819-8184


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