ONWA Calls for the Reinstatement of a Dedicated WAGE Minister

by pmnationtalk on March 18, 202586 Views

ONWA Calls for the Reinstatement of a Dedicated WAGE Minister

Thunder Bay, ON – The Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA) congratulates Prime Minister Mark Carney on assuming his new role as Canada’s 24th Prime Minister on Friday. We acknowledge that the Prime Minister and his newly appointed Cabinet are tasked with navigating Canada through unprecedented challenges to its economy and its sovereignty – challenges that also affect the Indigenous peoples and nations within this country. While ONWA is pleased to see that women comprise 11 of the 24 Cabinet positions, we are deeply concerned by the elimination of a dedicated minister for women and gender equality. This change came just two days after the former Minister for Women and Gender Equality (WAGE) issued a statement at the 69th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women proclaiming Canada to be one of the “long-standing global leaders for advancing gender equality.”

ONWA supports the goal of a more efficient, focused, and sustainable government – but the absence of a dedicated cabinet position for women and gender equality will severely hinder efforts to improve Indigenous women’s safety and address the unacceptable levels of violence perpetuated against us, which is rooted in unequal patriarchal power structures, sexism, racism, and discrimination. It sends a troubling message at a time when anti-rights and anti-women rhetoric is escalating worldwide. It signals to Indigenous women and girls in this country that our lives, our safety, and our inherent rights are not a priority.

Achieving equality for all women and gender diverse people demands dedicated leadership, resources, accountability, and sustained attention. This leadership is needed now more than ever. As a country, Canada and its values around equality, diversity, and human rights are facing an “existential threat” from the United States. As Indigenous women, we face the very real existential threat of violence and death every day. Achieving government efficiencies and protecting Canada’s economy are clear priorities, but these must not detract from Canada’s human rights obligations and the urgency of safeguarding Indigenous women’s right to life.

ONWA joins other gender justice organizations and Indigenous women’s organizations in urging the government to rectify this oversight immediately. The retention of a dedicated WAGE minister is crucial for the safety, well-being, and rights of all women and gender-diverse people. Canada will be stronger and more prosperous for it.

For more information and media inquiries, contact:
Andre Morriseau, Communications Manager
Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA)
Email: amorriseau@onwa.ca

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