Our reaction to injustice for Colten Boushie is a reflection of our soul as individuals and Canadians – The Star

by pmnationtalk on February 12, 2018549 Views

Why is it that Friday night’s not guilty verdict in the young man’s death, which is a moment of national shame, does not shake you to your core, asks Shree Paradkar.

Feb. 10, 2018

If you are going about your business without a break in your step this weekend, with nary a thought for Colten Boushie, ask yourself why that is so.

Why is it that Friday night’s not guilty verdict in the young man’s death, which is a moment of national shame, does not shake you to your core? Why has the grief and outrage that led spontaneously to more than a dozen protests across Canada the day after the verdict not enraged you, not fired up your fears for your children’s future, and not driven you to speak up against repeated centuries-old injustice enacted under your nose?

Do you see how indifference makes us all complicit?

Read More: https://www.thestar.com/opinion/star-columnists/2018/02/10/our-reaction-to-injustice-is-a-reflection-our-soul-as-individuals-and-canadians.html

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