Well-Being Week: Provincial Government Announces Support for Organizations Improving the Health and Well-Being of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians

by ahnationtalk on September 24, 2024135 Views

September 24, 2024

In recognition of Well-Being Week, the Provincial Government is making a combined $30,000 investment in four community organizations to help them improve their ability to support the health and well-being of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.

  • Food Producers Forum – $10,000 to support a strategic planning session with members and agriculture stakeholders to identify priorities and opportunities for the organization. The organization supports the expansion of local food production and distribution across the province through their Provincial Food Network. They also provide information and services to help Newfoundland and Labrador food producers move toward food security.
  • The Canadian Mental Health Association – $8,400 for organizational governance training and a strategic planning workshop to explore potential social enterprise opportunities. The association provides access to resources needed to maintain and improve mental health, support community integration, build resilience, and aid recovery from mental illness. By providing mental health training and support in the workplace, the association helps reduce workplace stress, improves employee productivity, and decreases absenteeism and turnover rates.
  • Thrive Community Youth Network – $1,600 to support a strategic planning workshop to explore potential social enterprise models for the organization. The organization’s mandate is to help vulnerable individuals achieve their full potential and enhance the capacity of social serving agencies. They provide support and services to resilient youth and young adults who live in poverty and have limited access to mainstream programs and services and youth service providers within the St. John’s Metro Region.
  • SmartICE – $10,000 for the delivery of risk management and strategic planning modules to assist with a foundational review and renewal of their strategic directions. The organization is a community-oriented social enterprise offering a suite of climate change adaptation tools designed to incorporate sea-ice monitoring data with local Indigenous knowledge of sea ice conditions, which can contribute to more informed decisions regarding safe land, water, and sea-ice use.

Well-being isn’t just about physical activity, it’s a fundamental part of a person’s overall health and can include everything from physical, mental, social, economic and environmental factors.  The work being carried out by these groups is directly contributing to the well-being of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians by working to improve aspects such as access to good food, mental health resources, social connection and safety.

The funding is through the Community Capacity Building Program, which assists groups by enhancing skills essential to regional economic planning, development and implementation. The program offers capacity building modules, planning sessions, and industry development sessions to interested stakeholders with a clear link to economic and business development.

Since April 2023, the Provincial Government has supported 82 projects under the Community Capacity Building Program through an investment of almost $400,000.

“This assistance from the Community Capacity Building program will support these groups in carrying out activities and workshops that will ultimately have positive impacts on their efforts to improve the well-being of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. We are pleased to collaborate with these organizations to do this important work.”
Honourable Andrew Parsons, KC
Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology


Learn More
Community Capacity Building Program

Food Producers Forum

The Canadian Mental Health Association NL

Thrive Community Youth Network


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2024 09 24


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