Putting the Plus into Canada 150 with Indigenous 150+ Members of Saugeen Ojibway Nation Territory and a coalition of individuals, organizations and companies partner to put Indigenous voices centre stage

by pmnationtalk on June 19, 20171911 Views


Putting the Plus into Canada 150 with Indigenous 150+ Members of Saugeen Ojibway Nation Territory and a coalition of individuals, organizations and companies partner to put Indigenous voices centre stage

Members of INDIGEOUS 150+ Steering Committee, Senator Ralph Wolf Thistle (Great Lakes Métis Council) and Susan Schank, member of Chippewas of Nawash at Neyaashiinigmiing

– Photo Courtesy Nelson Phillips (Additional Photos Available / See link to press kit below)

INDIGENOUS 150+ is a film and conversation series presented by Good Influence Films, M’Wikwedong Native Cultural Centre, Great Lakes Métis Council and individuals from Saugeen and Neyaashiinigmiing First Nations.

National Launch: June 22, The Roxy Theatre, Owen Sound, 8: 00 p.m.
Upcoming events: July 21 (8:30 p.m.) and Aug 12 (8:00 p.m), Harrison Park, Owen Sound

Launching on June 22nd, INDIGENOUS 150+ honours First Nations, Inuit and Métis culture, history and teachings contributing to a movement to put Indigenous voices at the centre of Canada 150 commemorations and beyond.

Launching during National Aboriginal Month in Canada with a programme of three events in Owen Sound and another two in Niagara Falls over July and August with other events across Canada being planned. Founding partners in this initiative are individuals and organisations from Saugeen Ojibway Nation Territory, including the M’Wikwedong Native Cultural Centre, the Great Lakes Métis Council, the City of Owen Sound, Ontario Arts Council and most recently Ontario Power Generation (OPG). Joining them on a national level are First Peoples Group, Planet3 Communications Ltd., Nation Talk and the City of Niagara Falls. The initiative is spearheaded by Good Influence Films and being guided by a National Steering Committee. An on-going invitation is extended to businesses to screen Indigenous films for their employees and in their communities as a meaningful and respectful way to commemorate 2017. It offers an opportunity for Canadians to come together to learn more about the diverse range of Indigenous cultures across Canada and to recognize and acknowledge that the heritage of this land is much greater than 150 years. Post-screening discussions for the business community will be facilitated by First Peoples Group, leaders in reconciliation facilitation.

It’s time that the rest of Canada gets to know the First Peoples. We are here all together and it’s time to share and identify what we have in common
-Senator Ralph Wolf Thistle, Great Lake Métis Council

INDIGENOUS 150+ launches with a screening of Michelle Latimer’s Sacred Water: Standing Rock Part 1, from Viceland’s documentary series showcasing the global Indigenous movement across the Americas. The film delivers profound insight into the perspectives of Indigenous water and land protectors and supporters that came together from all nations in an effort to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. Together they strove to protect the Missouri River as well as sacred Indigenous sites and burial grounds.

Sacred Water will be accompanied by two short films by Métis / Chippewa Cree filmmaker Cara Mumford whose work helps illuminate the intrinsic bond of Indigenous cultures to the natural world. The evening will include an opening prayer, Circle of Women drumming and music from Penetanguishene based musician Nicole Lefaive. A post-screening conversation will be led by Trish Nadjiwon Meekins – a member of Neyaashiinigming, a knowledge keeper for the Saugeen Ojibway Nation and advocate for environmental issues. Joining her will be filmmaker Mumford and Water Protector Brendan Emmerson who recently returned from Standing Rock and who will share an inside perspective from the front lines and a deeper understanding of the Indigenous rights movement both at home and abroad.

Reconciliation can only begin when real understanding of our Indigenous history and experience is acknowledged and discussed openly. It is hoped that these film presentations will initiate the honest dialogue necessary for this to begin…’
-Renee Abram, Executive Director, M’Wikwedong Native Cultural Centre

INDIGENOUS 150+ is about the PLUS and the legacy of First Peoples. It builds on the National Film Board of Canada’s cross country screening tour, Aabizingwashi (#WideAwake) which showcases groundbreaking films by Indigenous directors and provides an opportunity to see Canada through Indigenous eyes. Aabizingwashi (#WideAwake) is presented in collaboration with Toronto International Film Festival, Aboriginal People’s Television Network and the Imaginative Film and Media Arts Festival that has grown to be the largest Indigenous film and media arts festival in the world and has helped to foster and champion the amazing talent of Indigenous filmmakers across the country.

Founder of INDIGENOUS 150+ and Good Influence Films’ JoAnne Fishburn was inspired by a trip to the Yukon to attend the Available Light Film Festival. “When I visited Whitehorse I got to experience a much more Indigenized and inclusive Canada. It profoundly impacted me and provided a vision for what Canada could be. After reading the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions 94 calls to action I realized that as an individual I could personally respond and bring my skills to the table. As a Canadian I feel a responsibility to educate myself and do what I can to contribute to an inclusive country. I am learning everyday and my life is much richer for it”

‘Indigenous 150+ is your chance to add your voice to the conversations occurring all over the country as Canada reaches an historic milestone in its evolution in reconciliation with First Peoples. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the art in films that move your spirit, challenge your mind and reach into your heart. What kind of Canada will we build together?’

Kahontakwas Diane Longboat, Indigenous 150+ Steering Committee

INDIGENOUS 150+ is working with the NFB as well as independent filmmakers to bring together an exciting, and diverse selection of films and stories across the country.

Founding partners of INDIGENOUS 150+ include M’Wikwedong Native Cultural Centre, Great Lakes Métis Council, First Peoples Group, City of Owen Sound, City of Niagara Falls, Ontario Power Generation, Nation Talk and the Ontario Arts Council.


Senator Ralph Wolf Thistle, Great Lakes Métis Council
Renee Abram, Executive Director, M’Wikwedong Native Cultural Centre
JoAnne Fishburn, Founder Good Influence Films / Co-Founder INDIGENOUS 150+
Guy Freedman, President, First Peoples Group (from July 6th, 2017)

Website: www.Indigenous150PLUS.com
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/290275931383270/
Hashtags: #Indigenous150PLUS #INDIGENIZECANADA

Dropbox with photos from Sacred Water and more detailed bios.

RISE/Sacred Water – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uKj9HR71sA

Tickets $14
For tickets online at www.roxytheatre.ca or call 519 371 2833
Buy Tickets Online:https://tickets.roxytheatre.ca/TheatreManager/1/login?event=1259

JoAnne Fishburn, Good Influence Films
joanne@goodinfluencefilms.com, 647 821 2103

July 21stBEE NATION (In partnership with City of Owen Sound’s Music & Movie Series)
Harrison Park, 8:30 p.m. – Free Public Screening

Bee Nation, directed by Lana Slezic, follows the inspirational stories of six students competing in the first ever First Nations Provincial Spelling Bee in Canada. It is a moving and intimate portrait of family life on Saskatchewan Reserves and is an uplifting film for audiences of all ages. Bee Nation is presented in partnership with the City of Owen Sounds Music and Movie series. The third event of the season will also take place at Harrison Park on August 12th.

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/213930121
Website: https://www.beenationfilm.com

August 12 – Harrison Park, 8:00 PM – Programming Coming Soon


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