On World Water Day, First Nations Leadership call on federal parties to implement the First Nations Clean Water Act
(Toronto, Ont.) On World Water Day, and with a federal election looming, First Nations Leadership in the Ontario region are calling on the next federal government to enact Bill C-61: First Nations Clean Water Act.
“Every year on this day, the world is reminded of the importance of water. It is the very foundation of life. First Nations have always honoured and cared for the waters through respect and ceremony,” said Ontario Regional Chief Abram Benedict. “But for many Nations in Ontario, this day has mixed meaning. Far too many haven’t been able to drink the water from their taps due to ongoing and systemic issues. We’re calling on the party that forms the next federal government to enact the First Nations Clean Water Act.”
The Act had gone through several readings and committees and was halfway to becoming law but has languished on the order paper since the Liberals prorogued Parliament. It would establish new safety standards for drinking water, implement new source-water protection mechanisms and provide financial resources to enable First Nations to meet the new standards.
Also included in the Act is a commitment to establish a First Nations-run water commission to increase capacity and assist with water and wastewater services.
“The legislation is not perfect but it was a significant step in the right direction. Our people have not had a real voice when it comes to our water. This could have helped change that. It took years and years of advocacy from dozens of people to get it this far and it would be unconscionable to let it die like this,” said Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Linda Debassige. “How can we expect our Nations to grow and thrive if they don’t have the basic building blocks of life? It’s 2025—it’s insanity that there are different rules for us and everyone else.”
With the fate of the legislation uncertain, and the political realities in Canada changing daily, many fear that the legislation will not pass the finish line.
“On World Water Day let’s remember that women have a sacred relationship and responsibility to care for Nibi, water. Canada has bound itself to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Article 25 states that that Indigenous Peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their unique relationships with their traditional territories and waters while upholding their responsibilities to future generations,” said Temagami First Nation Chief Shelly Moore-Frappier.
“Yet here we are, having to push Canada to ensure we have the means to ensure safe drinking water in our communities. There are no excuses. Safe drinking water is a human right—full stop. We’re calling on the next government to finish the job.”
The Ontario region still has the most long-term boil water advisories in the country—24 of 33 total—including the longest consecutive advisory in Canada that has been in place since 1995.
The Chiefs of Ontario support all First Nations in Ontario as they assert their sovereignty, jurisdiction and their chosen expression of nationhood. Follow Chiefs of Ontario on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram @ChiefsOfOntario.
Media Contact:
Isak Vaillancourt
Communications Manager
Chiefs of Ontario
Mobile: 416-819-8184
Email: isak.vaillancourt@coo.org
Declan Keogh
Communications Officer
Chiefs of Ontario
Mobile: 416-522-4518
Email: declan.keogh@coo.org

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