RCMP “V” Division: Body Worn Camera Pilot – Executive Summary

by ahnationtalk on February 15, 2022416 Views

February 15, 2022

From November 30, 2020 to May 30, 2021, the RCMP conducted a pilot on body-worn cameras (BWC) in Iqaluit.

The goals of the pilot were to:

– Engage and consult with the community throughout the implementation of BWC’s
– Assess community perceptions and cultural acceptance of officers responding to calls equipped with BWCs in remote and Indigenous communities
– Identify issues and best practices regarding the use of BWCs using existing technology
– Assess the impact of BWC implementation on administrative and operational outcomes, such as public complaints and the use of police intervention options
– Solicit feedback from RCMP officers on their experience using BWCs.

In the executive summary, you will find that during the six month pilot 53 RCMP officers wore BWCs while on duty. 3,651 videos were captured. For more on the findings you can access the executive summary by going to the link below:



Contact information

For more information, contact:
RCMP “V” Division Media
Iqaluit, Nunavut
Phone: 867-975-4421
Email: VDIV_MEDIA@rcmp-grc.gc.ca


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