The Daily Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Police-reported hate crime in Canada, 2023
In 2023, police services in Canada recorded a sharp rise in hate crimes, with 4,777 incidents reported, up 32% from 3,612 incidents in 2022. This marked the third sharp increase in four years. Overall, the number of police-reported hate crimes has more than doubled in the last four years.
Food services and drinking places, January 2025
Total sales in the food services and drinking places subsector increased in January, rising 0.2% to $8.3 billion.
Nursing and residential care facilities, 2023
The combined operating revenues of private and public nursing and residential care facilities in Canada grew by 7.6% from 2022 to reach $43.3 billion in 2023. With an ever-increasing proportion of the Canadian population being aged 65 years and older, demand for these services has continued to rise in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Likewise, as active COVID-19 cases have decreased, pandemic-related restrictions have eased and day-to-day operations have begun to more closely approximate their pre-pandemic norm.
Value added in exports, 2023
National data on the value added in exports for 2023 are now available. The national data on the value added in exports for 2021 and 2022 have been revised.

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