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Grass Cutting for CSAP

Tender Information
Author alnationtalk
Deadline April 03, 2025
Name Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial
Type RFP
Region NS
Phone 902-769-5472
Sector Public Sector
Category Miscellaneous

Basic Information

Reference Number

Issuing Organization
Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial

Solicitation Type
RFT – Request for Tender (Formal)

Solicitation Number

Grass Cutting for CSAP

Source ID

Nova Scotia

Purchase Type
Not Stated

2025/03/24 12:03:00 PM EDT

Closing Date
2025/04/03 01:00:00 PM EDT

Contact Information
Daniel Carrier

The successful bidders to this tender will be responsible for GRASS CUTTING to designated areas, as per the specifications indicated. Interested bidders may bid any number of schools, however any award to any bidder will be based on the capabilities, quantity and quality of equipment and labour of the bidders. Before submitting a tender, the bidder(s) shall carefully examine the site(s) of proposed work, to become fully familiarized with the existing conditions and limitations. No allowance shall be made subsequently after the tender. The successful bidders shall supply all labour, equipment, tools, trucks, all work as specified and as required. The term of the contract is from April 7, 2025 to October 31, 2025. Upon completion of this contract, the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial may exercise, at its sole discretion, an option to extend the contract for two additional one (1) year terms at the rates in pace for 2025, with the option to renew for two additional one year terms upon written agreement by both parties. Pricing shall be subject to negotiation of a satisfactory contract price. The regulation of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and WHIMIS will govern any awards made by this tender. The successful bidder(s) will be fully responsible to ensure the safety of all workers, students, school staff and general public. The board may decide to extend length of contract after negotiations between parties.

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